Calling all photographers: BCAC will be hosting a photography exhibition this summer, and we need your submissions! The Bertie Everyday Photography Showcase opens with a gallery reception from 5:30-7:30PM on August 10, 2023. All photos on display will depict contemporary people, places, and pastimes in Bertie County. Delivery of artwork to the gallery July 26-28. This is an exciting opportunity for local photographers to share their work with the larger community because the exhibit will hang during the first Pecan Pickling Short Film Festival here in September. We anticipate the festival to bring higher-than-usual traffic through the gallery that month, and there is even a possibility that BCAC may be asked to co-host Pecan Pickling events during the festival. There is no telling WHO might see your photos! More details TBD.
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Earlier Event: June 29
BCAC Summer 2023 Children's Art Class Series: Week 4 - Paint an Ocean Sunset
Later Event: August 19
Art Class for Adults: Tea Time - A Watercolor Class With Tina Fielder